These particular trees are very old and mature and their roots are very deep, relocating them would certainly damage these trees. They have been a significant landmark of Islamabad, ZS demanded that the remaining Pine trees should not be removed. This road has already been widened and a number of old Pine trees have been lost, there is no urgent need of widening the road any further, they demanded.
As reported in a daily newspaper, relocating trees is a difficult feat and a highly skilled operation that requires trained staff and proper equipment. Relocating these mature trees will permenantly damage the root system and cause irreplaceable damage. We should not lose any more mature trees as they are the environmental assets of this city. ZS demanded that all the developmental projects must give top priority to saving mature trees. Existing mature trees should be given top priority from the early stages of Islamabad’s development project, sadly so far the Capital Development Authority has been very callous about saving old trees, only a few were saved only when the citizens had protested.
There are a number of old trees along the Margallah Hills which are at risk of destruction when the highway will be built at the foothills. ZS demanded that we already have enough roads in Islamabad but what we dont have is a public transport system. The young members of ZS demanded that before starting any new project of roads the CDA should concentrate on providing an affordable public transport system and bring us at par with the developed countries, and stop wasting money on any new roads. Most of all these mature trees marked with red paint should be saved and not relocated as it ill damage them forever.
Ali Faateh and Imaan Hazir led the young activists of ZS and they were supported by civil society members Tahira Abdullah, Ghazala Minallah. Thanks to Tahira Abdullah representatives of Human Rights Commission Asif, Rafi and Muneer also participated. It is about time enviroment is considered a basic human right, what is more important for humans than the right to cleaner air and water.
Well done!! Zimmedar Shehri, hope you all have a bright future.
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